Power sense board
Power sense board

I designed this board to monitor the power system in Intel Labs Seattle’s mobile robotics platform. It provides four current and four voltage measurements, and interfaces with a PC via USB. Readings for all of the channels can be read at over 100 Hz.


Posted 23 Nov 2009

In the autumn of 2004, I moved to Seattle to attend the University of Washington. I began taking photos to share some of the neat places I discovered while exploring the areas around campus with my family and friends back at home. I started with a pocket-sized point-and-shoot digital camera, back when they were starting to become popular. As I learned more about the art and science of photography, I’ve moved on to cameras and lenses that afford better manual control.

I still enjoy taking walks around the beautiful University of Washington campus on weekends and capturing some of the scenery.

Basic E-Field Sensor Board.
Basic E-Field Sensor Board.

For the Winter 2009 offering of the University of Washington CSE Software for Embedded Systems course, I designed a laboratory assignment around electric field sensing. In the lab, students used an 8-bit microcontroller to accomplish the following:

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